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Salem Public File Share (PFS)

Salem PFS provides permalinks to important files to make the latest version of each publicly available at a reliable URL.

File Count


How to Use PFS

Click on any tile under Browse by Folder or the row when using the Search for Files or Recent Files to copy the permalink of your desired file. You can paste this into your browser or use it for a hyperlink in a Word Doc, email, Google Doc, or on other web sites.

5 Most Recent Files

Name Folder Size Type Version Date
DOCX Icon Copy Icon Thumbs Up Icon
Pass-No Credit Option Form Registrar 28k docx v240725 7/25/24, 9:14 AM
PDF Icon Copy Icon Thumbs Up Icon
Directed Study Approval Form Registrar 780k pdf v240723 7/23/24, 4:14 PM
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Independent Study Approval Form Registrar 815k pdf v240723 7/23/24, 4:14 PM
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Petition for Academic Overload or Other Registration Exceptions Form Registrar 896k pdf v240723 7/23/24, 4:14 PM
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Salem College Major Minor Declaration Form Registrar 144k pdf v240723 7/23/24, 4:14 PM

Browse by Folder

How to Add Files to PFS

When you're ready to publish or update the published version, follow the Naming Convention guide below to export a copy for publication.

Naming Convention

PFS generates a short permalink based on the file name and folder, it uses capital letters, numbers and dashes between numbers like this:

"Academics/My New File is the Best 2024 - 25 v240725.pdf" → "a/mnfb2024-25"

"Folder/2024-another Example is Helpful - Yes v210101c.docx" → "f/2024ehy"

Version Tag

The 6 digits after the 'v' at the end of the file name should be the date of publication: 2-digits per year, month (01-12) and day of month (01-31) followed by a single letter to distinguish an additional export on the same day.

v240725 ⇒ July 25, 2024

v210101c ⇒ 3rd export on January 1, 2021

You may want to include your Version Tag in the footer of your document for extra verification.

Send in for Publication

Attach the file(s) you'd like published along with which folder you'd like it to appear under and we'll have it updated within hours.

Send your submission to; please include PFS and file name(s) in the subject line along with which folder or suggest a new folder.